Early Drug Discovery Education Track (EDD-Track)

Strengthening the current pharmaceutical training offering with innovative Early Drug Discovery (EDD) life-long learning courses

HAN Newsroom
Poster HAN BioCentre over drug discovery

From Cotton to Color

Cotton waste processing into natural colorants.

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Headerfoto Onderzoek lectoraat Biodiscovery HAN BioCentre bioreactor

From waste to taste

Fermenting rejected tomatoes into a marketable and delicious product

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Headerfoto Onderzoek lectoraat Biodiscovery HAN BioCentre bioreactor


Tailored and robust cell-factories for the next-generation Industrial Biotechnology

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Headerfoto Onderzoek lectoraat Biodiscovery HAN BioCentre analytische chemie

TUFUCOL - Fungal Colorants

TUrn FUngi potentials into a COLorful future

HAN Newsroom
Headerfoto Onderzoek lectoraat Biodiscovery HAN BioCentre bioreactor

Connecting Fibers

Valorization of fibrous biomass (side streams) into biobased building applications

HAN Newsroom
Headerfoto Onderzoek lectoraat Biodiscovery HAN BioCentre analytische chemie
A meaningful conversation

Capability Cards

How to start a conversation which is meaningful? Which invite the conversation partner to articulate values and wishes? The Capability Cards enable this kind of conversation!

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Gesprekskaartjes waarde van welzijn1

Training in Responsible Research

Here you will find an overview of responsible research training courses at universities of applied sciences. We offer basic training for researchers, team training and training for students. The training courses contribute to awareness of the importance of research integrity. You will learn what exactly we mean by research integrity in applied research. You will also be given tools to recognize and discuss research integrity in your work.

HAN Newsroom
Pauw voor de tetrias pagina

Educational Equality

Educational equality. Every child deserves a good start as the foundation for a healthy and happy life. However, pupils’ social backgrounds still strongly predict their educational attainment. It's high time to draw attention to this wicked problem.

HAN Newsroom
met kinderen die spelen met didactische speelgoed