
All HAN bachelor and master programs are accredited by the Accreditation Organisation of the Netherlands and Flanders (NVAO). HAN's bachelor program in International Business is also accredited by FIBAA and EFMD.

Noa and Chadionne walking through the entrance by Ruitenberglaan 31 HAN Arnhem campus.

NVAO accreditation

Higher education degrees in the Netherlands are accredited by the Accreditation Organisation of the Netherlands and Flanders (NVAO). The NVAO is an independent body set up by the Dutch and Flemish (Belgian) governments. It accredits new higher education degrees and periodically reviews existing ones. It also monitors the quality assurance at the institutions. All bachelor and master programs at HAN are NVAO accredited. So after graduation you'll have a high quality, internationally recognized degree.

For more info about NVAO accreditation, go to the NVAO website.

Bachelor in International Business 

FIBAA and EFMD accreditation

Besides its NVAO accreditation, HAN's bachelor program in International Business has 2 other accreditations! The program earned its FIBAA and 5-year EFMD accreditation in 2023.


FIBAA stands for Foundation for International Business Administration Accreditation. It's a German accreditation body that assesses university programs on:

  • internationality
  • employability
  • practical economic relevance
  • service orientation
  • areas of improvement


EFMD is a global, non-profit, membership-driven organization dedicated to management development. It is recognized globally as an accreditation body for business schools, business school programs, and corporate universities. Only 3 business schools in the Netherlands have earned this accreditation, and the HAN IB program is the only one that has a 5-year accreditation!


HAN does not appear in the major university ranking systems. That’s because it’s a university of applied sciences. HAN is ranked in the Netherlands each year through the National Student Survey.

Overzicht campus Nijmegen

7 reasons to study at HAN

Why study at HAN University of Applied Sciences in the Netherlands? There are 7 simple reasons!

International students are listening and smiling in a classroom at HAN University of Applied Sciences