Wendy and Liudmyla's world ranges from CO2-meters to degree statutes

Interested in what the School Council does over the year? Members Myla Zhukovska and Wendy Broeders are happy to tell you about the projects and problems that the School Council concerns itself with. “Well, basically everything that’s going on here.”
Every two weeks, on Tuesday afternoons, the members of the School Council get together to discuss current matters at the faculty. The Council consists of 3 students and 3 teachers, among them are Liudmyla ‘Myla’ Zhukovska (19) and Wendy Broeders (39).
Comfortable study
What do they talk about in those meetings? “Well, basically we’re concerned with everything that’s going on in our building”, says Myla. “From CO2-meters and catering to degree statutes and annual plans. We help make sure that committees can do their work, students can study comfortably and no significant problems arise at the school.”
Myla is a 2nd year Life Sciences student and vice-chair of the School Council. “I wanted to do something besides studying, and the School Council turned out to be ideal. It provides me with a job, a stable amount of hours, and at the same time I’m learning a lot from it. Because of the meetings we have, the way we organize things, the people we’re in touch with: it’s a lot like a standard work environment.”
WIS Club
When asked about the most important projects that the Council is currently working on, one stands out for Myla: the new Wellbeing In Science club (WIS) that she’s setting up together with fellow students. “We’re trying to form a community of mostly internationals, who can get together to discuss all kinds of things. Like the school’s program, practical issues for internationals, or simply how they are doing.”
“Studying abroad can be difficult, especially in the beginning. We hope the WIS-club can help students get on their way more easily. With the help of more experienced students, who can explain how everything works. We’re already getting a lot of positive responses to it!”
We are forming a community of mostly international students, who can get together
There’s an increasing focus on internationalization at the Council. A logical and good development, if you ask Wendy Broeders. “We started out as a Dutch-speaking council, but quickly decided to switch to English. We have quite some international students and colleagues here at SABC, and we don’t want to exclude them, of course.”
Wendy teaches Biology and Chemistry to first-year students, she sits in the degree committee ánd she helped set up the School Council in 2020. “I like that as member of the School Council, you can help the school’s management in its decision-making. Because to make good decisions, it’s important that they know what’s going on among students and employees.”
HAN Participation Council
Speaking of which, the HAN’s overall Participation Council currently doesn’t have any SABC-delegates in it. But maybe next year it does! Wendy decided to run for next term. “The Participation Council is concerned with topics like HAN-wide strategies, budgets and plans for flexibilizing education for example. I think it would be good to have SABC represented there.”
If you want to know more about the School Council or join as a student member, send an e-mail to Academieraad.atbc@han.nl
In the picture, from left to right, School Council members Carien Booijink, Sonja Lezaja and Liudmyla Zhukovska
Foto David van Haren