Open class Asset Based Community Development

The lectorate Strengthening Social Quality and the Verwey-Jonker Institute are conducting research in 33 neighbourhoods on the effective elements in different approaches around community development. This research, titled ‘The Power of Together’, is funded by the Orange Fund.
Asset Based Community Development is a promising approach that is central to many neighbourhoods. Dr Sarah Ward did her PhD on a study of how ABCD can contribute to community health and wellbeing, using the capability approach as a theoretical framework to take a critical look at where ABCD does and does not have an effect. In her open class, she eleborate on her research on ABCD in Scotland. Marcel Spierts will reflect on her lecture from the Dutch context. Marcel Spierts is an independent researcher and publicist in the field of social work, education and culture. He is co-author of the recently published Movisie Dossier Wat werkt bij samenlevingsopbouw.
- 09:30
Walk-in with coffee and tea
- 10:00
Opening by Dr Annica Brummel
- 10:15
Open class Dr Sarah Ward, University of Edinburgh
- 11:00
Reflection by Marcel Spierts
- 11:30
Questions and discussion
More information
This meeting is organized by:
- het lectoraat Versterken van Sociale kwaliteit;
- de Werkplaats Sociaal Domein Arnhem en Nijmegen en
- de Zorgalliantie.
More information about these parties can be found on the website. Would you like to know more about this meeting or do you have another question? Please contact us at: