Disclaimer and General Terms and Conditions
This page contains the disclaimer of the website of HAN University of Applied Sciences and the general terms and conditions.

Despite our continuous care and attention in constructing our website, we cannot guarantee that all information published on the website is complete or correct. The information on our website (www.hanuniversity.com) is regularly updated and changes may be made at any time, with immediate effect and without notice.
Copyright and other information
Visitors to www.hanuniversity.com are not permitted to publish or reproduce copyrighted works or other information stored on this website without permission from HAN. Not via their own network either.
We accept no liability for any direct or indirect damage of whatever nature arising from or in any way related to the use of www.hanuniversity.com or the temporary unavailability of the website. Neither do we accept liability for any direct or indirect damage resulting from the use of information provided on www.hanuniversity.com.
Adequacy of the information
We cannot guarantee that the information on www.hanuniversity.com is adequate for the purposes for which it is consulted. All information, products and services are offered “as is” and without any implicit or explicit guarantee with regard to their reliability, adequacy for a particular purpose, or otherwise.
When publishing information on www.hanuniversity.com, we take extra care to ensure compliance with the requirements of the Copyright Act on the use of copyrighted texts and the use of existing illustrations. But if you think you have a valid claim on the copyrights of any of the texts or illustrations, contact the HAN web editing team by sending a mail to ask@han.nl.
General terms and conditions
Below you can find the general terms and conditions that apply to all commercial activities carried out by HAN University of Applied Sciences. They are contained in 2 documents. One relates to the open course offerings. The other relates to services, which includes consultation, research assignments and customized activities.
The general terms and conditions do not apply to publicly funded programs.