wednesday, may 10


for creativity. Jonge mensen met kleurstof. Smal.

Yesterday we started with COIL Japan and today we continue with part II. But first there is a field trip by bike to Arnhem to see some interesting architecture/building projects. We have lunch somewhere in Arnhem. After lunch you can join a lecture about the renovation of Palace 'Het Loo'. In the afternoon there are 2 social events with drinks and food.

Post your pictures on Insta #internationalweekbe2023

9.00 am - 12.30 pm | Start Location: R26/Workplace

Fieldtrip Arnhem

Field trip with Ruud de Boer 

We go on a field trip by bike and will pass various buildings, new construction and sustainability projects. Find out how Dutch people live.

Bouwkunde Houtbouw duurzaam bouwen houtskelet bouwkunde
9.30 am - 3.00 pm | Location: R26/F2.05

Resiliant building and housing - Part II

COIL with Dort Spierings and Frank Kersten (for HAN students only)
(feedback, self-motivation, group presentations)

In this Collaborative Online International Learning (COIL) we make mix Japanese and Dutch teams working on a 24 hour assignment regarding Resilient Building and Housing, that they will present on Wednesday afternoon or Thursday morning.

10 students of the Graduate School of Frontier Sciences, Yamaguchi University will join, and 10 students of the minor Co-Create Urban Transition of the HAN University of Applied Sciences.

If you find it interesting, you can join.

bouwkunde huisjes van gerecyclede materialen Japan
12.30 pm - 1.30 pm | Location: somewhere along the way

Lunch (following field trip Arnhem)

Lunch, following Fieldtrip Arnhem

After the field trip through Arnhem we conclude with lunch somewhere along the way.

HAN logo op vlag. Persfoto. Huisstijl.
1.45 pm - 2.30 pm | Location: R26/Aula

Renovation and extension Palace Het Loo

Key-note speaker Eddy van Caulil RO

Eddy has more than 30 years’ experience in designing, leading, managing and delivering complex multi-disciplinary projects in the built environment. He is the head of the multi-disciplinary projects department and a member of the WSP Netherlands business management team. He will tell about the renovation of the 14.800m2 existing palace buildings and construction of a new 5.000m2 basement gallery space. The 10m deep basement is constructed directly adjacent to, and partially under, the 1680’s palace. A precision hydraulic jacking system was adopted to ensure that the existing monument was not damaged during construction.

International Week Built Environment Eddy van Caulil
2.30 pm - 4.00 pm | Location: R26/Aula

Time off/Construction of the 21st Century Conference

Paper Presentations

Here you can take some time off or you can attend Paper Presentations of the Construction of the 21st Century Conference.

Beeld van bovenaf in auditorium met volle zaal voor presentatie houten look
4.30 pm - 6 pm | Location: Lokaal '99

BE-Global Café

Social event with Annika Treiber and the ISA (International Student Association)

Come to our BE Global Café and meet other students and teachers. It is the place to network, relax and exchange tips about internships, exchange programs or living and working abroad. Annika, from the HAN International Office, is there and will be happy to provide you with information and drinks. Cheers!

Bar International week
7 pm - 9 pm | Location: Lokaal '99

A taste of the World

Students activity - Social Event

Asian food, American food, Italian food. There are so many specific dishes for different countries. Come to this informal dinner where various dishes from different countries will be served.

This event is for participants of the International Week and for HAN students 'Civil Engineering' and 'Architectural Engineering and Design'.

If you want to join, you need to register before April 26!

Tafel met eten, hand over de tafel

Post your pictures on Insta #internationalweekbe2023

back and forth

Post your pictures of the International Week on Instagram: #internationalweekbe2023

for creativity. Jonge mensen met kleurstof.