Pre-arrival information

The information on this page provides you with important pre-arrival information, so read on and read carefully!

HAN International Intro January 2025

A warm welcome!

Welcome to HAN University of Applied Sciences on behalf of the International Office. Our goal? Assuring a smooth transition to life and study in the Netherlands. There are some important need-to-knows before you arrive in the Netherlands and a number of things you need to take care of as of now.

Checklist and your personal to do's
Complete your visa application (non-EU students)
Create your HAN account
Set up your HAN email
Follow us on Instagram and Facebook
Check the introduction organized by your study program

 Make sure to get started and complete your checklist right away!

Pre-arrival information

HAN account

Get started by setting up your HAN account. Creating your HAN account's the first step you must complete in order to get full access to HAN's digital services and to receive your HAN student ID card upon arrival. Store your login and password information for the HAN account on your phone so you will not forget! You will need it once you get to HAN!

studiecluster, cluster mens en organisatie, juichend meisje met laptop en gele bril, 2021, knoop doorhakken, campagne studeer wat je liket

HAN email

To set up your HAN email account, you need to go to the main HAN account page. Log in by filling in your login code and password. Then click on 'HAN mail' and once more fill in your login and password. Because of security settings you cannot adjust the HAN email account to automatically forward your HAN mail to your private email account.

Twee studenten met laptop overleggen en wijst naar scherm

How to apply for your Statement of enrolment

To be eligible to apply for the Statement of Enrolment, you must first complete your enrolment. Once you have completed, you can apply for your official Statement of Enrolment. You can do this online using the Osiris app or request it on Insite. ( note: you do need to activate your HAN account to be able to access it!)

Foto van een vrouw die haar administratie doet in haar keuken voor projectpagina Associate lectoraat Sustainable Finance & Tax


Non-EU students who DON'T need an entry visa (MVV) need to bring their IND approval letter when traveling to the Netherlands. Non-EU students who DO need a visa need to make an appointment at the Dutch Embassy to apply for and receive the visa (MVV) sticker in their passport. For more information, please contact our Immigration Office.

HAN Housing

Are you eligible for a guaranteed room through the HAN Housing Office? You will receive more detailed information by e-mail regarding arrival in February. If you haven't received a housing offer, there is no room reserved for you. Visit our Housing page for guidance on finding your own room and don't forget to register for student housing with SSH&

Wil je thuis of op kamers?

HAN International Intro Instagram

Especially for you, we made a dedicated Instagram page with informational and instructional videos, but also fun videos, stories and posts made by our Introduction Buddies; HAN students who will help you to get to know HAN, your academic program and your surroundings. So, follow us now on Instagram and don't miss out!

Instagram Chat Pedagogiek, verder niet gebruiken buiten Pedagogiek!

HAN International Office Instagram

Next to our HAN International Intro Instagram, please also join HAN International Office on social media! On our main HAN International Office Instagram page we share interesting cultural and social content. From important announcements to activities & events. Join us now and follow HAN International Office on Instagram!

Telefoons internationaal

HAN International Office Facebook

And join us on Facebook too! On our HAN Incoming International Students Facebook group you'll find news and fun facts during your stay in the Netherlands and at HAN University of Applied Sciences. International HAN students also post supply and demand of handy stuff, like kitchen supplies, books, and many other things.

Detailfoto kaart 'you're the best' telefoon laptop
Next page

After arrival

We cannot wait to welcome you at our International Welcome Day, in Arnhem on Thursday 30 January and in Nijmegen on Friday 31 January! The information on the next page provides you with important after arrival information.

vlaggen, Arnhem, branding, signing, vlaggenmast, banieren, trio zwart rood wit