Pre-arrival information
The information on this page provides you with important pre-arrival information, so read on and read carefully!

A warm welcome!
Welcome to HAN University of Applied Sciences on behalf of the International Office. Our goal? Assuring a smooth transition to life and study in the Netherlands. There are some important need-to-knows before you arrive in the Netherlands and a number of things you need to take care of as of now.
Checklist and your personal to do's
Complete your visa application (non-EU students)
Create your HAN account
Set up your HAN email
Follow us on Instagram and Facebook
Check the introduction organized by your study program
Make sure to get started and complete your checklist right away!

After arrival
We cannot wait to welcome you at our International Welcome Day, in Arnhem on Thursday 30 January and in Nijmegen on Friday 31 January! The information on the next page provides you with important after arrival information.