The executive board on unacceptable behavior

A shockwave hit the Netherlands last week after an episode of TV show BOOS revealed a culture of unacceptable behavior at 'The Voice of Holland'. The many reactions to this episode reveal that we are dealing with a societal problem.

Campagne Studiejaar 23-24. Student Support Center. Studenten lopen door gang, deel 2. Fotoshoot 2023.

The issue is not new or unknown, but one that BOOS once again and rightly puts in the spotlight. In our view, it underscores the importance of addressing these issues and continuing to discuss them. This is a discussion we will continue to have. With staff and students.

We do know that every year at HAN various staff and students – both women and men – report unacceptable behavior. These reports can range from exclusion, bullying, sabotage and intimidation to open discrimination, sexual harassment, indecent assault and physical violence. Let us be clear that this is unacceptable. HAN must be a safe place. For everyone and always.

Finally, we want to say that when it comes to the behavior of others in relation to you, you are the one – and no one else – who decides what is unwanted and unacceptable. 

Rob Verhofstad
Yvonne de Haan
Bridget Kievits

Confidential Counselors

Have you experienced unacceptable behavior? Did you know you can speak to one of our confidential counselors (log in is necessary). This is someone who listens without judgement, offers support and discusses with you what to do next and can help you with taking any further steps. Every report is strictly confidential. 
Read also the interview in SAM with Ton Ammerlaan, one of our confidential counselors.

Have you experienced unacceptable behavior? You can also submit a complaint to Read more about this in chapter 5, article 18 of the Regulations for Complaints about Unacceptable Behavior.


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