SafeCLAI: Safety concept for autonomous vehicles launched
On Thursday afternoon 24 April, the groundbreaking SafeCLAI project of the HAN Automotive Research Group and its partners reached its climax with a mini-symposium ánd a live demonstration of the revolutionary safety concept for autonomous vehicles. A short report!

A room full of enthusiastic interested parties was treated to inspiring presentations by leading names such as ZF, Rijkswaterstaat, Verum and HAN Automotive Research, which acted as the driving force behind the project.
New milestone in autonomous vehicle technology
The highlight of the day was undoubtedly the live demonstration, where the HAN Streetdrone shone alongside a robotic platform. Developed entirely by dedicated HAN Automotive Engineering students, complete with a pedestrian dummy. The partially developed safety concept passed the test with flying colours, marking a new milestone in autonomous vehicle technology.
Development process
The true triumph of the SafeCLAI project lies not only in its functioning concept, but also in its unparalleled development process that meets the highest automotive standards. Moreover, all associated documentation and source code will soon be made available in open source, paving the way for wider collaboration and innovation in the autonomous vehicle sector.

Sharing knowledge and progress
SafeCLAI has not only pushed the boundaries of safety in autonomous vehicles, but has also opened the doors to a future of shared knowledge and progress. Join the revolution in autonomous mobility and discover what the future has to offer thanks to SafeCLAI!
For more information, please contact Jan Benders MSc, researcher at HAN Automotive Research and programme manager Control Systems.
Source and photography: HAN University