HAN joins Open Education Global

HAN has officially joined the international organization Open Education Global (OE Global). HAN sees open sharing and (re)use of digital educational resources as an important condition for achieving future-oriented and accessible education. The collaboration with OE Global strengthens us in this.

witte vlaggen, Nijmegen, branding, signing, vlaggenmast, duo, wokenlucht

As a member of OE Global, HAN hopes to promote the use of Open Educational Resources (OER), expand collaboration opportunities with experts, and broaden networking opportunities. The inspiration we gain within this network will contribute to our professional development in the field of OER. We can also share our knowledge more widely and take a position on this topic. 

Logo OE Global
Open Education Global's official logo

Open Education Global is a non-profit membership organization that supports the development and use of open education worldwide. The goals of OE Global include:

  • expand access to education enabling every person on earth to access and contribute
  • improve the quality of education
  • make education more affordable
  • improve student success
  • foster collaboration and sharing through co-creation of education materials and the freedom to use, customize, improve and redistribute them
  • generate pedagogical innovation using the collaborative, interactive culture of the Internet
  • foster international partnerships and a global participatory culture of learning, creating, sharing and cooperation

Learn more about OE Global on their website: OEGlobal – Open Education Global

As a HAN employee, you can also join the OE Global Community as an individual. Create your member account for the community on the website.