Language course — Language and Prep Program

NT2, anderstaligen in de klas
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You're a newcomer to the Netherlands, you have to integrate and you’d like to study here. HAN and Radboud University together offer a 2-year education pathway: the language and prep program. This program optimally prepares you to pass the Dutch B2 State Exam and to be admitted to a degree program.

The Language and Prep Program is especially for higher-educated people whose native language is not Dutch. It is a joint program between HAN University of Applied Sciences and Radboud University. Do you have a foreign diploma at MBO-4/HAVO-5 level or higher? Then HAN's Language and Prep Program is the ideal way to prepare for study at a university of applied sciences. Do you have a foreign diploma at VWO level and want to study at Radboud University? In that case, you also start your preparation at HAN. A few months into the prep year (part 2), you transfer to a customized program at Radboud University. This is done in consultation with, and with the approval of, the coordinator of the customized program at Radboud University.

Language and Prep Program in numbers

    2-2.5 yearsDurationDepending on date of entry in the program
    12-25 hoursContact hours per weekFirst year average of 12 contact hours per week, 2nd year average of 25 contact hours per week
    15-20 hoursSelf-study per week
    € 18,420Course feeDo you fall under the new integration law? Is your municipality paying for your integration? And have you together with the municipality decided you will follow this education pathway? Then the municipality will pay the Language Center directly. Are you a family reunification migrant? Then you have to pay the fee yourself. You can use the DUO integration budget (max. €10,000) but you'll have to cover the remaining costs yourself.

Intake in 6 steps


The Language and Prep Program consists of various parts.

Part 1

In part 1 you follow Dutch lessons from level A0 to B1. You will have classes three times a week. Each class is three hours. You also need to spend about 10 hours per week on homework assignments and self-study. An independent and pro-active attitude towards studying is important.

We also organize several excursions so you get to know the Netherlands better, give you an introduction to the Dutch professional field, and we assign you a buddy and a supervisor. A new group starts twice a year. If you pass everything first time around, this part takes 1 year.

Part 2

Part 2 of the program, the language and prep year, is full time. You have about 25 hours of classes per week. Your timetable is partly determined by how many electives you take, which depends on what you’re going to study. This is an intensive year that starts in September. This part includes:

  • Preparation for the Dutch State Exam, programme II
  • English
  • Electives: mathematics, physics, chemistry and biology
  • Important study skills for your further education, such as project-based work, presentation skills, ICT skills and working independently
  • Study and career guidance
  • Job application skills and introduction to the professional field, specifically for older participants preparing for part-time study with a part-time job.

During this year, you will be introduced to all the degree programs offered by HAN University of Applied Sciences and Radboud University.

We guide you in choosing a degree program that’s right for you. And the great thing is: you’ll have a mentor (teacher) to guide you through your studies and a buddy (HAN student) to get you started with your student life.

Would you like to prepare further to study at Radboud University? And do you meet the intake requirements at VWO level? Then you’ll follow a different program starting in November of this 2nd year. You will transfer to Radboud University in Nijmegen and follow a customized program geared to the degree of your choice.


Classes are held on the HAN campus in Arnhem. Are you transferring to a customized program at Radboud University in your 2nd year? Then you take the rest of your classes at the Radboud campus in Nijmegen.

Ready to start?

Ask your municipality's civic integration consultant to register you!

NT2, anderstaligen in de klas


Contact us at the HAN Language Center.
We're happy to help with all your questions!

Opening hours

Monday to Friday: 9:00 - 16:30

Prefer calling?
Visiting address

Kapittelweg 35

6825 EN Nijmegen


Postal address

P.O. Box 30011

6503 HN Nijmegen
