Applied Research

De centrale vraag die we bij het associate Lectoraat Customer Insight willen beantwoorden: hoe kan je op basis van inzicht in je (potentiële) klant duurzame waarde creëren voor de stakeholders van je organisatie?

We doen onderzoek met zowel commerciële als publieke organisaties. Denk bijvoorbeeld aan start-ups, gemeenten en adviesbureaus. De onderwerpen variëren van marktonderzoek tot inwonersparticipatie en van mobiliteitsgedrag tot Retail.  

Join forces in research 

Opportunities for collaboration

Types of collaboration / Joint Research / Types of companies and institutes

Our working method

The way we approach research and collaboration with partners

Knowledge partners and networks

Companies/ Institutes/ etc..


Study centres

Nexis Uni: a new look

Database Nexis Uni has been updated.

HAN Newsroom
17 October 2024
twee studenten in studiecentrum met laptop
Study centres

Study centre R31 closed until 27 October

Study centre Ruitenberglaan 31 is being renovated.

HAN Newsroom
16 October 2024
mini gereedschapskist op een toetsenbord van een Apple laptop
Study centres

Renovation study centres Nijmegen and Arnhem

Before the summer, we started rebuilding the study centres at Kapittelweg 33 in Nijmegen and Ruitenberglaan 31 in Arnhem. Next period, we will continue the renovations. This will affect the availability and accessibility of the study centres at both locations.

HAN Newsroom
01 October 2024
mini gereedschapskist op een toetsenbord van een Apple laptop
Study centres

Database finder search issues

Lately, sometimes the database finder gives a ‘load’ error message when searching for a database.

HAN Newsroom
01 October 2024
LM Lectoraat Logistiek Data science
Study centres

Disclaimer databases study centres

Please note the following when using our databases.

HAN Newsroom
01 October 2024
Studenten studeren in studiecentrum en maakt notitie, van bovenaf
educational innovation

HAN Engineering and Automotive Presents English Mathematics Textbook

Starting this academic year, HAN Mechanical Engineering and Automotive students will be using a new English-language mathematics textbook. Why is this so special and why is this book important for international students as a practice book and reference work?

HAN Newsroom
01 September 2024
Internationale studenten Werktuigbouwkunde en Automotive zullen vanaf dit studiejaar een nieuw Engelstalig wiskundeboek in handen krijgen. Dit nieuwe boek is op 27 augustus feestelijk gepresenteerd.
Flashy start

Directions for 1st-year students School of Engineering and Automotive

Welcome to the School of Engineering and Automotive, AEA for short! After the introduction week HAN Open Up, your study program will kick-off. And that's very exciting. Everything is new. We are happy to help you to get to know your HAN school and your study program better.

HAN Newsroom
27 August 2024
De studenten van de Master Engineering Systems Automotive Systems overleggen in de klas op IPKW.

First certificate Robotics route awarded to Mechanical Engineering student

On Friday 5 July, it was a double celebration for Tiemen van Rijswijk. The ambitious mechanical engineering student at the HAN not only received his hbo diploma with the designation 'Cum Laude', but also the very first Certificate of the Robotics Theme Route!

HAN Newsroom
08 July 2024
Uitreiking van het eerste certificaat voor de themaroute Robotics aan Tiemen, student Werktuigbouwkunde
Micro mobility & logistics

HAN University further pursues sustainable mobility with arrival of Microlino

The mobility transition is in full swing, with increasingly stringent measures to reduce urban mobility. At the same time, cars are getting bigger and heavier. This is why HAN University of Applied Sciences in Arnhem is committed to smart and clean mobility. One of the social topics in this is sustainable logistics. How is this being researched?

HAN Newsroom
08 July 2024
De Microlino is afgeleverd en is een van de microcars van de HAN. De Microlino wordt ingezet voor onderzoek door het LEV Kenniscentrum in samenwerking met Health City Lab. Beide zijn onderdeel van respectievelijk Lectoraat Automotive Research en Lectoraat Logistiek en Allianties van de HAN.
Sustainable innovation

HAN Engineering and Automotive students present semester 6 projects at Symposium Beyond

On Wednesday 19 June, the brand new HAN@Connectr venue was buzzing with innovative projects by HAN students during the Symposium Beyond. The symposium, organised by semester 6 students from HAN programmes that make up the School of Engineering and Automotive, was a great success! With numerous presentations, discussions and demonstrations of complex collaborations.

HAN Newsroom
04 July 2024
Sfeerfoto van het Symposium Beyond waarin studenten samen met docentonderzoekers en het werkveld hun semester 6 projecten presenteren op 19 juni 2024 in gebouw HAN at Connectr.