Research center

Center of International Business Research

Center of International Business Research (CIBR) colleagues posed for a group picture. CIBR International School of Business in Arnhem

How can we support international businesses and their ecosystem in the transitions towards sustainability?


With the help of our impactful research, the Center of International Business Research (CIBR) is facilitating organizations, leaders, and educators to address pressing local and global challenges and co-create solutions, fostering a transition toward sustainable change.

Research Lines

Intercultural Dynamics & Entrepreneurial Mindsets

The first research line is focused on the individual level, and therefore on the personal skills and competences that professionals need for leading and inspiring action towards sustainability. By cultivating these competencies, individuals can play a crucial role in creating a more sustainable future for the present and the future generations.

Internationale studenten overleggen met global goals

Behavioral Change in Global Organizations

The second research line is centered on the organizational level, considering how a business can be configured in order to integrate sustainability in the corporate DNA. In this way, we find pathways conciliating the apparent contractions in pursuing both sustainability and prosperity.

SEE, windmolen kop

Transformations Across Business Ecosystems

The third research line concentrates on ecosystems in which businesses are embedded and therefore on the various networks of relationships that organizations orchestrate across the globe. Enabling collaboration, knowledge sharing, and the development of synergies is a powerful way to leverage joint opportunities for a more sustainable world.

Telefoons internationaal

Paradigm Shifts in Finance & Economics

The fourth research line embraces the economic system and proposes a rethinking of the principles on which the functioning of our (western) societies is based. Prioritizing sustainable practices, reducing reliance on obsolete models can foster innovation, business resilience, social well-being and preserve our natural resources.

De tafel van de LEGO LEAGUE finale 2022

Research Projects

Our diverse group of researchers are continuously developing more knowledge around our areas of expertise. We are proud to collaborate with partners from around the world to co-create meaningful projects.

Find out about these projects on our 'Applied Research' page.

vergadersituatie met lamp op voorgrond
Lector and Team

Dr. Anna Sabidussi

As Professor of Applied Sciences in International Business Anna brings to CIBR more than 20 years of experience in higher education and business practice.

Anna is passionate about supporting the transitions of business practice to sustainable development with impactful applied projects and educating the global citizens of the future.

Portrait of Anna Sabidussi lector of Center of International Business Research CIBR at the International School of Business in Arnhem

Our Team

We conduct our research with a group of diverse, experienced researchers from all over the world.

Meet the team


Energy Transition Readiness: A Practical Guide

Empowering businesses for energy transitions requires adequate tools. CIBR and the Brabantse Ontwikkelings Maatschappij are happy to share a comprehensive model which helps and guides organizations in their energy transition readiness.

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Communicating Sustainable Transitions Effectively

Marjon Elshof's PhD research delves into the role of dialogue in internal communications during organizational change. By exploring strategies to reduce resistance and boost commitment, her work offers valuable insights for managers and communication professionals navigating the challenges of creating a more sustainable future.

Portretfoto promovendus Marjon Elshof

Digital Magazine for Students

In the spring of 2024, a team of second-year Communication students developed an award-winning digital magazine for the Center of International Business Research (CIBR), offering students insight into CIBR's research and opportunities.

Leading Sustainability Transitions

The Center of International Business Research published the booklet "Leading Sustainability Transitions: An International Business Perspective" in April 2024. To celebrate this milestone, the center is sharing this publication with you.

International-School Of Business CIBR Website Header. Spiral stairs

Inauguration Anna Sabidussi

Professor Sabidussi's inaugural speech focused on the key dimensions involved in embracing sustainability and highlighted novel avenues and solution pathways to successfully engage in the necessary business transformations.

Inauguration professor Anna Sabidussi

ISB students publish their research

Ask a student what their favorite class is, and not many will say research. Navigating the ins and outs, from defining a problem to finding a solution, takes some practice and can be a big challenge, even for professionals. But once the process is clear, diving headfirst into a topic that becomes more and more intriguing the more you learn about it

Twee studenten met laptop overleggen en wijst naar scherm

International School of Business

The International School of Business trains students to become young professionals with strong commercial, personal and social skills. The environment is international and individual-focused. We work closely with partner universities abroad and with the international business community.

student vanaf achterkant gefotografeerd
  • Applied Research

    Our research projects are carried out in collaboration with national and international businesses, both in the EU region of Arnhem and Nijmegen and beyond.

  • Staff & Output

    As a research group, we believe it is important to share our knowledge. This way we deliver a structural contribution to education and educational development.