Transfer students

Are you an international transfer student? You probably have your residence permit for study from another Dutch Institution of Higher Education. Do you want to transfer from that Institution to HAN University of Applied Sciences? You’re welcome at HAN! Here’s how you go about transferring.

Application procedure

As a transfer student you must provide proof of sufficient financial means and health insurance. This lets us know that you can afford the cost of study and your stay in the Netherlands. Here is what the application process looks like: 

1. Apply in Studielink

  September start February start
Apply in Studielink before: 15 July 15 November

2. Compile your visa application forms / documents

Have you received your letter of acceptance from the HAN Office of Admissions? Start compiling your visa application documents. These are:

  1. A completed and signed Transfer Student Application
  2. A copy of your current residence permit card, front and back
  3. A copy of your valid passport, including all stamped and/or written pages
  4. Proof of Health Insurance Coverage
  5. A completed and signed Antecedents Certificate
  6. Proof of Financial Means - scroll down for more information
  7. Proof of Enrollment at HAN University of Applied Sciences

3. Send your visa application forms / documents

Send all the above completed forms and documents to Keep in mind the following deadlines:

  September start February start
Send all forms/documents before: 1 August 1 December

What happens after I submit the required forms and documents? 

After you send us all your completed forms/documentation, we send you an email confirming we’ve received them. After we verify the forms/documentation, we inform you whether we were able to request your transfer by the Dutch Immigration and Naturalisation Service. 

Proof of financial means

For a year of study you need to show that you have a minimum amount of money freely available to you. You will find the current income requirements on the website of the Immigration and Naturalisation Service. Select the relevant option(s) below. You can combine options to come to the necessary amount if needed. For example, self-supporting and scholarship. Important: all documents must be written in English or translated into English by a certified translator. And all bank statements must be no older than 3 months. 

Options to prove financial means