Study centres
HAN Study Centres are here for you. We’re also known as the library, media library or study centre, but these names all refer to the same thing. This is your way to reliable information!
In HANQuest, you can search a large part of the information resources provided by the Study Centres in one go. Click here for search tips.
Here you'll find databases or websites by title / topic. Click here for a complete list of databases and websites.
Search for a title (or part of a title) in over 100,000 online journals. For online journals by topic, click here.
The catalog lists all the books and other materials available in the study centers.
Click here for more information on borrowing, reserving or renewing.In the LibGuides, you'll find the manuals for the Information Skills classes and much more. Search using this search bar or click here to go directly to the LibGuides.
Got a question? Contact us at ASK HAN. We're happy to help!