
The HAN Library is here for you! Our services can help you with your studies and research. From extensive library facilities to online resources. From personal coaching to training to improve your study skills.

jongen en meisje studeren samen op de grond in studiecentrum en zij wijst iets aan

What is the library for?

See below for more information about:

  • Library loans, reservations and renewals
  • Library loans at Radboud University
  • Student workspaces
  • Resources
  • Digital learning materials
  • Information literacy
  • Research support

Library loans, reservations and renewals

Need to borrow, reserve or renew books or other materials? You’re welcome at any of our 4 library locations. You can also make arrangements in advance online - see what and how below.

Library loans at Radboud University

As a HAN user, you can apply for a RU library card. This gives you access to the physical collection of the Radboud University Library. This means that you can borrow materials that are available for loan and have access to non-loan materials in the library.

Logistics Management deeltijd, studiecentrum, boeken, uitzoeken, studeren, 2022

Student study spaces

Looking for a good place to study alone or with a group? There are many different study spaces available for HAN students. There are workstations with PCs, quiet areas, areas for group work and facilities for working with laptops.

Overzicht werkplekken met studenten Engineering gebouw


Studying can be difficult for students with a disability or chronic illness. They often need special facilities. Read more about the resources and facilities available at the HAN Library here.

Arnhem, Ruitenberglaan 31, vlag, vooraanzicht, banier, wit

Digital learning materials

We are here to help you with digital learning resources! We offer free access to a wide range of high-quality learning resources, including e-books, videos and interactive modules. This allows us to facilitate flexible learning and share knowledge within and beyond the HAN community.

Arnhem, Ruitenberglaan 31, vlag, vooraanzicht, banier, wit

Information literacy

You are about to begin work on a literature review. But where do you start looking? What are good sources, and what's the right way to search?

You need "skills" for this: information literacy skills.
This framework gives you a step-by-step guide on how to build those skills, breaking it down into three levels.

The information specialists at the HAN Library can help you get started:

Arnhem, Ruitenberglaan 31, vlag, vooraanzicht, banier, wit


Got a question? Contact us at ASK HAN. We're happy to help!

Opening hours

Monday to Friday: 08:00 - 17:00

Prefer calling?