Powering the future - the role of balancing energy systems

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HAN Campus Arnhem
Ruitenberglaan 26

On 14 November the Research Group Balanced Energy Systems organizes a symposium and the inauguration of Shima Mousavi Gargari

The energy transition represents a monumental shift in how we generate and consume power. Achieving the goals of the Paris Agreement requires a systemic approach to the challenges of the energy transition. At HAN University of Applied Sciences, the Research Group Balanced Energy Systems focuses on a sustainable, reliable and affordable energy system for the future.

We invite you to join us for an afternoon program on 14 November, where we will discuss major issues in the energy transition like the role of grid congestion, power quality and nuclear energy. Two of the research group’s Associate Professors, Carolien Kattenbelt and Leo Polak, will lead you through this program and tell you more about the activities of the research group.

Part of the program is the inauguration of Shima Mousavi Gargari, Professor Reliable Power Supply by special appointment. In her role within the HAN Research Group Balanced Energy Systems, she will focus on asset management. The energy transition necessitates a strategic approach to asset management, particularly in addressing the intermittency of renewable sources and ensuring grid reliability and stability.

Professor by Special Appointment

Shima Mousavi Gargari

Shima Mousavi Gargari is Corporate Innovation Manager at TenneT Transmission System Operator (TSO) and Professor by Special Appointment at HAN University of Applied Sciences. She received her PhD in electrical engineering from Eindhoven University of Technology in the Netherlands. In 2013, she joined the Asset Management Unit of TenneT TSO, where she worked as asset specialist and asset strategist. In early 2023, she joined the Strategy and Partnership Units as innovation manager, where she is responsible for strategic innovation projects with key links to universities, peers and market parties.

  • Smart Region
  • Sustainable Energy & Environment
  • Fair Health
Portret Shima Mousavi Gargari, Lectoraat Balanced Energy Systems


The official invitation with the definite program and registration will follow in September. The afternoon will take place at the HAN campus in Arnhem and will also be live-streamed.

13.00 Registration & coffee/tea
13.30 Debate on key issues in the energy transition
14.45 Short break
15.00 Introduction of the Research Group Balanced Energy Systems by Carolien Kattenbelt and Leo Polak, associate professors
15.30 Inauguration ceremony by Rob Verhofstad, HAN Executive Board
15.45 Speech by Maarten Abbenhuis, COO TenneT
16.00 Inauguration speech by Shima Mousavi Gargari titled:
Powering the future:
The essential role of asset management in energy transition

16.30 Inauguration celebration