HAN wouldn't be where it is today without its partners. In industry, education, the NGO sector and in government. Here in the Netherlands and further afield. Find out about our partners and networks. And about how we collaborate on international projects.

Erasmus+ is Europe’s answer to quality learning support. Through education, training, sport and youth programs…
Partner Universities
Ever more learning institutions are partnering with each other. Nationally and internationally. And that inclu…
Companies & institutes
HAN collaborates with companies and institutes at home and abroad. Think of research and other joint projects …
HAN is a member of various national and international networks. These include professional networks relating t…
International Projects
Social engagement and international perspective. That’s what students and staff gain from participating in two…
Learn more about HAN
HAN Organization
HAN University of Applied Sciences offers higher professional education at its 14 schools, located on the campuses in Nijmegen and Arnhem. Each school has its own range of educational programs and research themes. Across the schools, HAN also focuses on 3 important societal themes or key areas: Fair Health, Sustainable Energy and Environment, and Smart Region.