Partner Universities
Ever more learning institutions are partnering with each other. Nationally and internationally. And that includes HAN! Partnering with other (international) higher learning institutions elevates the quality of our education and research. And gives our students, lecturers and researchers a broader reach.

“HAN couldn’t fulfill its role as a knowledge institution without securing partners at home and abroad. Partnerships and alliances are increasingly important, and that definitely applies to internationalization. We prefer to enter into our partnerships within the triple helix approach: education, research and industry.”
Who are our partners?
Want to know who our current partner universities are? Consult our updated partner list here.
The fact sheets below provide information about the HAN colleagues working in internationalization and details of the mobility programs we offer students from our partner universities. Apart from a university wide fact sheet, you may also view the fact sheets dedicated to our separate schools.
Internationalization as a stepping stone
At HAN we constantly improve the quality and spectrum of our education. This benefits lecturers and students alike. Helps us keep our institution fresh, exciting and up to date. Our eye for improvement also puts us in the sights of other top learning institutions and universities around the world. Lets them see that HAN is the right partner for them. With the right core curriculum.

Student mobility
It’s this broad internationalization that lets us offer our students worldwide mobility. Both physical and online. They study abroad and expand their horizons. Leading to a well-rounded education. And they participate in online studies. Think about cross collaboration on virtual student projects. Carrying out double degrees and joint degrees. Joint research projects. The list of possibilities goes on. Thanks to our solid and ever-growing partnerships!

Lecturer mobility
We also focus on the mobility of lecturers and researchers. These are people with international knowhow. And intercultural skills. People who work in a highly international environment. And help us maintain and expand on our internationalization plans. In fact, a large number of lecturers at HAN have worked and/or studied abroad. They bring diversity. And interesting, new perspectives to the classrooms and lecture halls. When lecturers, researchers and students have mobility, knowledge development and international competencies follow. A real in-depth benchmark is then created at the education level.

Actions that matter
Up to now, HAN has partnered with 328 universities all around the world. About half of our partner institutions are located in Europe. We work with our European partners through Erasmus+ agreements. Erasmus+ is a European-wide fund for educational institutions. A program that helps students and young professionals study and gain real-life experience at locations abroad. We use MOU agreements with our partner institutions outside Europe.

In brief
Get in touch!
Are you a lecturer or researcher from another country? Or are you a student from a partner university? Do you represent a company and are you interested in collaborating on a project? Whatever your interest, we’d love to hear from you. Contact HAN today to get more info.

Become a partner?
When it comes to exchange agreements, those are mainly signed within a particular area of study. Still, we’re open to university-wide agreements too. Is HAN not partnered with your university? Like to establish a partner agreement? Contact one of the following policy advisors to find out how to get the ball rolling.
Area of study | Contact person | Email address |
Education | Erna Helsen | |
Engineering and Life Sciences | Annika Treiber | |
Business and Management | Judith van de Looij | |
Health and Social Studies | Koen Kuster | |
Want to know who our current partners are? Click here!