Students positive about atmosphere and safety at HAN again this year
Once again this year, students appear to be satisfied with many aspects of their studies at HAN. As has been the case in recent years, the situation is virtually unchanged. These are the results of the 2024 edition of the NSS, the National Student Survey. Once again HAN scored higher than the national average for universities of applied sciences in several areas.

In particular, the atmosphere at HAN is highly rated by students: 4.08 on a scale of 1 to 5. Students once again also feel safe enough to be themselves at HAN: 4.10 on a scale of 1 to 5. View the HAN fact sheet with all scores, per main themes and variable themes.
The National Student Survey (NSS) is distributed each year to students in Dutch higher education.
Atmosphere and safety
The results on themes such as program content and design, lecturers and exams vary only slightly compared to 2023. They are mostly higher than the national average. The atmosphere and sense of safety are positive outliers. These are important factors that contribute to the well-being of our students.
So are students completely satisfied with HAN? No; there is room for improvement on some themes (scores below 3.5). For example, students are slightly less satisfied with the timely publication of timetables since the last survey in 2023. There is also room for improvement when it comes to study load and flexibility of the study program. So it is fitting that we as HAN continue to work on this in our multi-year policy plan.
"What's going well and what could be improved? The survey gives us important insights"
"Once again, the number of our students who completed the National Student Survey has increased. We’re very pleased with this, as the results give us as executive board important insights into what’s going well and what can be improved. Things that could be improved include timetables, study pressure and flexibility of the study program. We’re working hard on that. The atmosphere and sense of safety at our knowledge institution continues to be appreciated, which is very valuable"
Response rate
Student participation is high, with no less than 44% of all students completing the questionnaire. This is also a higher percentage than in previous years. At the national level, 33% of all students in higher education participated in the 2024 NSS. HAN is pleased with this high level of participation.
Results per program
The results are for our university of applied sciences as a whole. Individual scores for each degree program may deviate from this. Did you complete the 2024 National Student Survey? Check out StudyChoice 123 to see how your program scored (in Dutch).
What happens with the results?
We use the survey results to improve our degree programs. The results are also reflected in the data published on, where prospective students can compare degree programs. The results of the NSS also form the basis for the annual Keuzegids course guide (in Dutch) and the education special published by the weekly magazine Elsevier.