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Embedded Systems Engineering is a career for the future. Your skills are needed for the creation of smart, user-friendly machines and devices. Become an embedded systems engineer and help shape our future.

Career Options with an Embedded Systems Engineering Degree | HAN University of Applied Sciences in the Netherlands


With a bachelor degree in Embedded Systems Engineering you can find jobs in the commercial and public sector. For example, in product manufacturing, at research institutes or with partners in the field of engineering. Here are some embedded systems engineering jobs you could pursue:

  • Software/hardware developer

    As a software/hardware developer, you develop innovative electronic products. More specifically, the electronic software and hardware for these products. You do this using microcontrollers. Customer requirements and specifications are crucial. Your teammates are other engineers and professionals from other disciplines.

  • Service engineer

    As a service engineer, you solve problems on-site and propose and implement technical improvements to prevent future failures. Is there a malfunction, for example in a wind farm? As a service engineer you professionally solve the problem on site. And you also proactively propose technical improvements.

  • Technical advisor

    As a technical advisor you "interpret" data, making it usable for others. For example, the police want to request camera images of a particular time or location. Or filter specific information from camera images. Both require different ways of processing data. Your advisory and programming skills make it all possible.

The next step after graduating

So now you have your Bachelor in Embedded Systems Engineering. The next step? Finding a job is simple. After all, embedded systems engineers are in high demand: 100% of our graduates find work within a year. Also, you can use HAN’s alumni network to connect with international companies and research institutes. So you’ll have no trouble finding the right  job for you. Or continue studying with a Master in Engineering Systems at HAN.

Engineering Career and Job opportunities after a Bachelor of Science in Embedded Systems Engineering at HAN
Master of Engineering Systems 

Continue studying?

Want to continue your studies? A master degree gives you a higher qualification and a job with more responsibility. Go for a smooth transition into HAN’s Master of Engineering Systems. You can join one of the following master tracks:

  • Master track in Sustainable Energy

    The energy sector faces an enormous task: ensuring a sustainable energy supply. This master track at HAN trains you to become an engineer of the future. You research and develop energy systems that are better, more reliable and more climate-friendly. With your expertise you will contribute to a sustainable future.

  • Master track in Cyber-Physical Systems

    Want to use Embedded Systems Engineering for industrial automation and production optimization? Read how to apply the latest insights in measurement and control technology with this English-taught master track.

  • Master track in Automotive Systems

    Do you feel at home in the automotive world? Good news, because the industry is booming. With this English-taught master track, you bridge the gap between research, development, design and marketing in automotive engineering.

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Admission & Finances

All about the admission requirements, scholarships and tuition fees. And how to apply. 

Chip, embedded systems engineering