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HAN designed the part-time Sustainable Energy master track in collaboration with industry experts. Because of that, you stay up-to-date on all the developments in the field of sustainable energy throughout your study. Work on real research projects and put what you learn into practice in your own workplace.

Close-up van de Smart Grid-demotafel bij de masteropleiding Engineering Systems Sustainable Energy.

The modules

In the part-time Sustainable Energy track you follow the general, compulsory modules Applied Control and Systems Modeling. All students of the Master Engineering Systems follow these. You also take 2 track-specific modules. You choose 2 elective modules from: Reliable Electricity Hubs, Hydrogen Technology or Big Data & Small Data.

Studenten van de Master Engineering Systems Sustainable Energy en een docent bij de Smart Grid-tafel
Learn more about Sustainable Energy

Meet lecturers & students

Get an inside view of the Sustainable Energy program at HAN. Become a student for a day, join a sample lecture or meet 1:1 with a lecturer or student online. We are currently offering the following activities:

Meet 1-to-1 with a student or lecturer from an Automotive Engineering Bachelor Degree at HAN University of Applied Sciences

Major project

The final step of the Sustainable Energy track is your major project. Here you investigate a sustainable energy issue at your own workplace. Demonstrate your technical knowledge and skills as well as your communication, reporting and presenting skills. You need to find a graduation project with an appropriate level and topic at a company or institution of your choice, and you will receive support from both a HAN staff member and a supervisor from the company or institution.

De studenten van de masteropleiding Engineering Systems: Sustainable Energy bij de Smart Grid-demotafel.

The master in numbers

    1 dayof classesper week
    12 hoursof self-studyper week
    3 yearsto earn a degreein part-time
    90 creditsaccording to ECTSEuropean Credit Transfer System

Academic calendar, schedule, grading and ECTS

A good fit?

Does your background fit the Sustainable Energy program? See whether you’re eligible for any program exemptions for subjects you might have covered in your previous education. Arrange a personal meeting to discover more.

Een docent van de Master Engineering Systems Cyber Physical Systems kijkt mee op de pc van een student.

Applied research

You gain hands-on experience with innovative research projects during the Sustainable Energy master track. Projects that focus on the interface between energy and mobility. That’s because this track is linked directly to the HAN Sustainable Electrical Energy Center of Expertise (SEECE). Here, applied research is conducted in collaboration with top regional companies throughout the energy sector. You collaborate with them in their production of commercially viable products and services. 

Master Sustainable Energy Engineering Systems studente Lisa bij de Lucas Nulle-panellen.

Master title and accreditation

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Admission & finances

Here’s all you need to know about admission requirements, tuition fees and the application process.

Close-up van Lucas Nulle-panelen bij de masteropleiding Engineering Systems Sustainable Energy.