Headerfoto Onderzoek lectoraat Biodiscovery HAN BioCentre bioreactor

Fermenting rejected tomatoes into a marketable and delicious product

Quick info



Start date

May 2024


One year



Project leader

Laura Claret Fernández


Unwanted Dutch tomatoes represent 7000 tons of tomato waste annually. Given the challenge that food waste poses worldwide and the fact that the Netherlands wants to be circular by 2050, it is important to find a way to circulate these tomatoes back into the food chain.

Purpose of the project

One way to bring these tomatoes back into the food chain is through fermentation. The goal is to optimize the process and create a final product that is attractive, circular and tasty. This new product will contribute to the sustainability of our food system.

Our partners

Consortium partner (next to HAN)

  • Keep Food Simple
  • Kramer Koolmeesters

Network member

  • Limburgse Land- en Tuinbouwbond (LLTB)

Biobased Innovations

The researchers of the Biobased Innovations lectorate, together with students, conduct practice-oriented research. This research focuses on how we can make responsible and smart use of living nature. In doing so, we investigate the entire chain of biodiscovery.

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