Current students
Maintaining your academic status
Are you studying at HAN on a student visa? Maintaining your academic status is important! As a higher education institution in the Netherlands, we must notify the Immigration and Naturalization Service (IND) if you're not making satisfactory academic progress or if you terminate your enrollment.

As a student at HAN, you need to reach a certain number of credits. Each program sets its own minimum credit level for a full or partial academic year. By law, that level cannot be lower than 50% of the study load for each year of your studies.
Are you making unsatisfactory academic progress? Have you terminated your enrollment? We have to report you to the IND and they then invalidate your residence permit. Have you enrolled at a different academic institution in the Netherlands? The IND lets you keep your temporary residence permit.
Each year you need to show us you have sufficient financial means to cover study and living expenses of the following study year as well as suitable health insurance. HAN Immigration can ask you to provide additional evidence at any time.
If you decide to disenroll from your study program throughout the academic year, we'll notify the IND that you're no longer a student at HAN as of the date of your disenrolment request. You'll then have 90 days to leave the Netherlands. Before you leave the Netherlands, there are some actions to be taken; please make sure to follow all the instructions: Leaving the Netherlands | IND