Working as a student

The rules on working depend on your nationality. More specifically whether you're a citizen of the EU/EEA or not. All international students working in the Netherlands must have Dutch public health insurance.

Fotoshoot Master Circular Economy foto 15 - MCE 2024 - samen studeren in de bibiotheek

Can I work as a student in the Netherlands?

It is possible to work as an international student in the Netherlands. See below the rules that apply to you.

Studying in full-time?

If you are studying full-time, you’re expected to be available for all educational activities. Not just classes, but also group activities, excursions etc. So, you need to be available from 09:00 to 17:00 from Monday to Friday. Occasionally, you might have an educational activity in the evening or on the weekend.

Studying in part-time?

Some international masters are offered in part-time. In that case, you’ll have more time to work. Your classes will be scheduled on 1 or 2 days a week. 

29 March 2025

Online Open Day

The Open Day on 29 March is online, so you can join from anywhere in the world. The program? You decide! Talk to students and lecturers and learn more about the program you're interested in. Or join our general chat and ask us everything you want to know about admission, housing, visas and scholarships. All from the comfort of your own home! 

International students Diego and Andrei studying at the library on the Arnhem campus of HAN University of Applied Sciences.

Which rules about working count for me?

Make a budget plan

Cost of Living in the Netherlands

Having a clear picture of your expenses as an international student helps you set the right priorities and decide if you should take on a part-time job or not. That's why we've made an overview of the cost of living in the Netherlands. As a rule of thumb, you need about €1200 per month to live comfortably as a student. This includes rent, but not tuition fees. 

#50euroweek briefgeld euro budget

Working and health insurance

As an international student, you normally don’t have to take out Dutch health insurance. But as soon as you get a job, the situation changes. You are seen as an employee. Then you have to take out Dutch public health insurance.

It doesn’t matter whether you pay tax or how many hours you work. It also doesn’t matter if you are an EU citizen with an EU healthcare card. If you work in the Netherlands, you need to get Dutch public health insurance. If you don’t, you risk getting a big fine.

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