Continue your studies with a master

Master Automotive Systems students in class
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Thinking of going for a master's degree? Great idea! Master programs at HAN University of Applied Sciences give both you the theoretical know-how and hands-on experience. There's a world of possibilities you can unlock in the field of engineering, molecular life sciences and sustainable business.

Not sure yet? 

4 reasons to continue your studies

Deciding whether to continue your studies is a big step. Is it worth it? Or does it make more sense to work right after your bachelor studies? We get it! Here are four reasons why you might want to take the leap anyway:

  • Stay in the flow of studying: The best moment to do a master's program? Right after you finish your bachelor studies. Keep up your academic momentum with a 1 to 3-year professional master's degree.
  • Smooth transition: No pre-master required. You can start right away, meaning you save at least 1 year that you'd otherwise spend on a pre-master.

  • Expand your network: Make new connections with professionals in both your studies and industry. Building strong relationships can open doors to new career opportunities, collaborations, and mentorship that will support your professional growth.

  • Gain practical experience: With a master degree at a university of applied sciences like HAN, you become an expert in the area of your expertise while you work and study. With this hands-on approach, you can immediately apply what you learn to real-world challenges. 

Full-time master programs at HAN

Engineering Systems

Ready to take your engineering skills to the next level? HAN’s Master in Engineering Systems gives you the know-how to develop the systems of the future. Systems that are crucial in a wide range of fields: automotive, sustainable energy and cyber-physical systems.

8aae95e0-2b20-11ef-8a96-557d3447581d Student Master Engineering Systems Automotive Systems aan het werk in de klas.

Circular Economy

The economy of the future no longer relies on maximizing profits. Instead, it is based on reproducing, recycling, and reusing. In this masters in circular economy, you help international companies transition to sustainable business practices.

424499 studenten met docent in overleg

Molecular Life Sciences

Are you an ambitious bachelor graduate in the life sciences field with substantial practical experience in research? Do you want to master up your science and professional skills and apply your skills directly in the professional field by a long internship? This master program offers just that!

9e63a800-f899-11ee-9cb6-12d6704475af Master molecular life sciences. Elena Krivosheeva in het laboratorum met pipet.

Part-time master programs at HAN

Engineering Systems

With HAN’s part-time Engineering Systems master degree, you choose 1 of 3 tracks: Automotive Systems, Cyber-Physical Systems or Sustainable Energy. Complete your master study and take your engineering skills to the next level.

f04a5220-2e3d-11ef-b150-b5b43a39d59d Een docent en twee studenten van de Master Engineering Systems Cyber Physical Systems werken aan het MORE-project, de scootmobiel.

Molecular Life Sciences

Are you a lab technician looking for more knowledge, skills and responsibility? Do you want to combine the study program with your current job? Then the part-time Master Molecular Life Sciences is for you!

c84f7900-3ebc-11ef-a034-987d1023b449 studenten aan het werk met een petrischaaltje

Applied Data Science

In the business world data is key. Estimating results, predicting treatment effects in health care or optimizing a hotel’s occupancy rate: all data-driven challenges. Would you like to become a specialist in this highly sought-after field? Apply for the part-time master Applied Data Science!

50062264-0cf9-11ee-a57a-02565807075b Facility Management, foto 8219, studenten aan het werk op de laptop, samenwerken
What's the difference?

Research university vs. university of applied sciences

In the Netherlands, you can choose for a master's degree at a research university or a university of applied sciences. An academic master's at a research university is a stepping stone to a doctoral program. In an academic master, you focus on theoretical knowledge in a specific field of study. At a UAS like HAN, you learn practical skills and knowledge that you can immediately apply in the field you want to work in. Not sure which one fits you best? Read more about the differences.

Studenten master Life Sciences Alain Barhasima en Dat Le werken in een biologielab. Op de rug Lisan Scholten

Get in touch

Curious about pursuing your master’s at HAN? Reach out to our students and staff at one of our upcoming open days, fairs, or webinars and get all the details you need about admission requirements, housing, visas, and more. Not sure if the program you're thinking of is the right fit for you? Book a 1:1 meeting with us.


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Monday to Friday: 08:00 - 17:00

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