Practical experience
An important aspect of studying at HAN is gaining practical experience. For example, by working on real-life projects. By undertaking an internship. And by working on a graduation assignment for a company or organization.

Real-life projects
Projects form an important part of education at HAN. For our bachelor, master and exchange students. During projects students learn to apply the theory they’ve learned in practice. And they gain important workplace skills: communication, teamwork, leadership, reporting and more.
The projects are inspired by real-life issues in the professional field. Sometimes they are done in collaboration with our research centers. So the results are actually delivered to real clients. This gives students valuable insights into their field of study.

All our bachelor students undertake an internship at an internationally-oriented company or organization. Usually in the 3rd or 4th year. Students get to choose where they do their internship. HAN has a large network of international partners in all the relevant professional fields.
An internship allows you to experience working life first-hand. Get the ins and outs of your profession. Learn about your personal performance in a professional situation. And about a different language, culture and habits. It also looks great on your CV. Our students find that this international working experience is beneficial to them. Both professionally and personally.

Graduation assignments
All bachelor and master students do a graduation assignment in their final year. Here they work on solving an issue for an internationally-oriented company or organization. This is the final piece of assessment in all degree programs at HAN. It’s where students use practice-based research to solve a real issue in the professional field .
Students can use HAN’s wide partner network to find a suitable assignment. This could be for an organization in the Netherlands or abroad.

Check it out
Curious about practical experience in the degree you're interested in? What are the projects and topics? And what are the companies for internships and graduation assignments? Check it out!