Rights and responsibilities
What are your rights as a student? And what does HAN expect of you? How do you go about exercising a right? Here you can find all the important info and documents. Like the HAN Student Charter and the HAN Code of Conduct.

About the Student Charter
The Student Charter describes what you, as a student, can expect of HAN and what HAN expects of you. It explains the rules about things like tuition fees, the quality of education, examinations, student facilities, personal data, acceptable and unacceptable behavior, and much more.
Do you wish to exercise a right, like an objection or appeal procedure? Only the Dutch version of the Student Charter is legally binding. Go to Dutch page for documents in Dutch.
The Student Charter
Codes of Conduct
Privacy regulations
Regulations for support during your studies
Regulations about Legal protection and complaints procedures
Other regulations
Code of conduct for international students
Apart from the code of conduct in the HAN Student Charter above, students also have to follow the nationwide Code of Conduct: International Students in Higher Education.
Degree Statute
Each degree program also has a Degree Statute (DS). You can find that on the Practical Info page of your degree program. Part of this Degree Statute is the Education and Examination Regulations (EER).
Education and Examination Regulations (EER)
The EER contains rules and practical info about your degree program. Read the EER carefully before you start your program. That way you’ll know what to expect. The rules in the EER must follow the above-mentioned student rights.
The EER includes information about:
Rules concerning fraud and irregularities
Content of the degree program and related exams
Type of exams
Time frames in which grades must be announced
Rules concerning study coaching
Binding study advice
Expiry of credits
Objection and appeal procedures
Have any questions about your degree program? Have a look in the EER of your degree program first (on the Practical info page).
Enrollment regulations
The enrollment regulations outline the most important rules concerning your enrollment in a degree program at HAN. They include information about:
- Requirements for your degree program
- Rules concerning bachelor degree programs with an enrollment quota or additional requirements
- Admission to a master degree program
- Matching and how it works
- Tuition fees: amount, reduction and payment
- Enrolling after a BNSA and switching
- Applying, enrolling, re-enrolling
- Terminating your enrollment
Where can I find the enrollment regulations for my degree program? Go to the Practical info page of the relevant degree program.
Complaints and disputes office
Do you have a complaint about a HAN staff member? Do you disagree with an assessment or assignment? The Complaints and Disputes Office ensures that complaints and appeals are delivered to the right people within the HAN organization.
You can lodge your complaint with the Complaints and Disputes Office. The documents below provide more info about the procedure.
Prefer to call or email first?
T (024) 353 05 29 or (024) 353 05 30
E bureau.klachtengeschil@han.nl
Confidential counselors
Have you experienced unacceptable behavior as a student? You can report this via the Whistleblower Regulations or the Complaints and Disputes Office. You might also want to talk to someone about it. The confidential counselors offer a listening ear and treat every case with the strictest confidence. You can choose which counselor you'd like to see.