Study materials
To start your studies, you need textbooks, syllabi and possibly a laptop. Read here what you need and where you can buy these materials.

Where can I find my book list?
Select your degree program. Then click on the “Practical info” menu at the top right and click on “Order your textbooks online”. There you’ll find your book list and the costs.
Where can I buy my books?
You are free to buy your books from whichever seller you like. You could try, for example. Have you considered 2nd-hand books? They’re cheaper and more environmentally friendly. Lots of 2nd-hand books are available online, for example at Amazon also offers used versions of many of its titles.
What about borrowing from the HAN library?
Many titles on the book lists are available at the HAN Study Centres. As a HAN student you can borrow these for free. Some books may also be available digitally. Check the available titles in HANQuest. Please note that you can search HANQuest without a HAN account, but to access the digital books you will need a HAN account.
Collaboration with Studiewinkel
HAN has recently switched to a new online webshop to publish its book lists: Many HAN programs have already published their book lists on Studiewinkel for the 2023-2024 academic year. That makes it easier for you as a student to see which books you need and possibly order them there too.
Unfortunately, Studiewinkel currently only has books by Dutch publishers. So as a student of an international program, you won’t find your book list there (yet). We are in discussions with Studiewinkel about including books by foreign publishers in the future. That way the book lists of our international programs will hopefully be published on Studiewinkel as of the 2024-2025 academic year.
Readers and syllabi
Besides books, you usually need readers and syllabi. You can buy them at the Campus Store on the HAN Campus. The Campus Stores are located at Kapittelweg 33 in Nijmegen and Ruitenberglaan 31 in Arnhem.
Good to know: during school holidays the readers are not sent because the Campus Store is closed.
When you start studying, you’ll need a laptop*. To write reports and assignments, for example, but also to take some of your exams on your own laptop. So it’s important that your laptop meets several specifications. Most laptops meet these specifications, but check first to be on the safe side.
- Minimum operating system Windows 10+ or MacOS 10.13+
- (Recent) Intel or AMD spec mobile CPU with multiple cores (for example Intel Core i3)
- At least 4, but preferably 8 gigabytes of working memory (RAM)
- Hard disk drive (SSD) of at least 300 gigabytes
- Wireless network card version at least Wi-Fi 5 (802.11ac)
Important: Chromebooks and laptops running Linux are not suitable for digital exams.
Digital exams (BYOD)
Digital exams are becoming more and more common at HAN. For these exams, you bring your own laptop; we call this Bring Your Own Device (BYOD). To ensure that you can take your exam without distractions, you’ll soon be using the Schoolyear application. This is a browser application that temporarily blocks incoming notifications. It also prevents external files and applications from being opened. This prevents cheating. To take digital exams on your own laptop, your device must meet the above requirements.
Already have a HAN account? Visit HAN Insite to learn more about laptop specifications and digital exams. Insite is HAN's online environment where you as a student will soon find a lot of information. Also about the laptop requirements.
*Are there special reasons why you can’t buy a laptop?
No problem. You can use a loaner laptop for digital exams.
**Are you doing a technical study program?
If so, your laptop may need more specifications. Check this on the degree program page under 'Practical info'.
Need advice? Contact us at ASK HAN.
Free version of Microsoft Office365
As a HAN student you can download Office365 for free. You’ll need a HAN account.
Discounts on hardware and software at Surfspot
Need hardware or software? At you get discounts on laptops, software programs and more. Log in with your HAN account.