Economics & Business

studente plaatst sticky notes op muur

Do you get excited about doing business in an international setting? Are you brimming with new ideas? Do you know how to get a message across? Then Economics & Business might be a good fit for you. Discover more about Economics & Business here.

What is Economics & Business about?

Economics is a science that examines how markets work. Business is about selling goods or services for a profit. 


FAQs about Economics & Business

Sound like you?


• international environments • innovation • creating content • foreign languages and cultures • communication • human behavior

Internationale studenten overleggen met global goals


• thinking about new ideas • connecting with people • learning new languages and cultures • solving problems

Man in een blauwe blouse legt iets uit aan een vrouw en een man die samen aan een tafel zitten met een laptop. Samenwerken. Overleg. Seece.


• novelty • flexibility • diversity • an open mind

AFEM_Financiele-opleidingen-vrouw-achter-scherm-met-statistieken-iStock-1223455275, AC, FTA, FC


• adapt easily • create solutions • connect people

vergadersituatie met lamp op voorgrond


• curious • creative • open-minded • international • solution-oriented • critical

business innovation studenten met sticky notes
Your profession

Do these jobs sound good?

  • Marketing Manager
  • Sales Manager
  • Marketing Consultant
  • Export Manager
  • Communication Manager
  • International Brand Manager
  • Public Relations Specialist
  • International Advertising Account Manager
  • And more...
students of International Business at HAN specializing in Finance
Personalize your studies

Focus on what's important for your career

Economics & Business sound like a good fit for you? The next step is choosing a degree program. Each degree program has options to build your own professional profile. Through specializations, choice of internship and graduation project. Want to work in an international environment? You get to study one of these foreign languages: Dutch, French, German or Spanish.

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Choose a degree program

International business

Want to step into the fast-paced world of international business? To actually experience it while you are studying? Then come and study at the International School of Business. The place to be for an innovative and flexible business degree.

848dd636-5974-11ee-8ee2-024215b4a989 International students Diego, Patrick and Tam studying in the lounge on the Arnhem campus, building R31.


A communication degree at the International School of Business opens up a world of possibilities. After all, every company and every organization in the world has a message. Your challenge as a communication specialist? To get that message across so people will listen.

17f9cbd6-0cfa-11ee-a0a1-02565807075b Studenten in ISB Basecamp
Master in Circular Economy

Further studies?

With a bachelor degree in Business & Economics you can start working right after graduation. Want to take your skills to a higher level? Then a master degree is a great option. HAN offers a Master in Circular Economy. 

Infographic van plastic recycling voor factsheet Bruil Beton & Mix.
Economics & Business

Exchange programs

Are you a student of one of our partner universities? Then you can study abroad with us for 1 semester. HAN offers a range of exchange programs in the field of Economics & Business. Check out the programs on offer!

Exchange students are sitting in a classroom

News and projects

From HAN to Warner Music

Tieu Anh's career journey is inspiring. She graduated from Communication with honors in 2019. A year later, she got her master's degree in Communication and Media Studies - with distinction. After her graduation, she did a traineeship at a communication agency and worked as a junior social media manager. In 2022, her hard work paid off as she landed her current job: working as a content creation manager for Warner Music.

HAN Newsroom
Beeld tbv cursus podcast ontwikkelen en lanceren

Danny works as an IT Consultant at SPAR Holding

Danny van Schaijk graduated from International Business in 2021. He is currently an IT Consultant at SPAR Holding in Waalwijk. How did studying IB help him land this job? What's it like to work as an IT Consultant? And what advice would he give to future IB students? Read all about it here.

HAN Newsroom
Embedded Systems Engineering student William programming on his laptop