Foto Bedrijfskunde voltijd Nijmegen, studenten buiten

From 21 to 24 May is HAN Mental Health Week. Students will take action themselves and work together to make sure talking about mental health gets much easier. Check out the Art Expo, take part in a workshop or come to the Coach Café! Curious about the program? Read on!



From 21 to 24 May is the HAN Mental Health Week. During this week, several activities will be organised at the HAN in Nijmegen and in Arnhem. Together with an enthusiastic group of students, guided by NJR Great Minds, and lots of HAN colleagues, a great program was put together. The aim is to make mental health discussible and to discover what students need to feel good about themselves.  

The HAN Mental Health Week is not only for HAN students, students of RU and ROC, teachers and other HAN employees are of course also very welcome. Let's break the taboo on mental health together and talk about it!

On Tuesday 21 May, we will start the week with a special day programme at the HAN Campus in Nijmegen, at Kapittelweg 33 (K33). Come and have a drink in the Coach Café, for example! Or follow one of the workshops in English!

AFEM studenten buiten plein Arnhem
Mind your Mind 

What's the program?

Connect, join and let's talk!

Mind your Mind, the workshops

During the HAN Mental Health Week, there will be several workshops on 21 May in Nijmegen and on 23 May in Arnhem. Would you like to know the content of an English workshop before registering via the Registration Form? Then read on below!

Drie studenten zijn buiten aan het werk op de trap van K33. Student Support Center. Fotoshoot 2023.
Mind Your mind, the English workshops 

HAN Campus Nijmegen

Mind Your mind, the English workshops 

HAN Campus Arnhem

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