Practical info
You want to be well prepared before you start your international business degree. Learn about student housing, visas and permits, insurances and public transport. Also get info on textbooks and download important documents like the degree statute and enrollment regulations.

Before you arrive in the Netherlands
Before you arrive in the Netherlands, you need to arrange some practical matters. Like student housing. And, depending on your nationality, you might need to arrange a visa.
As an International Business student, you need a suitable place to live. A place within easy distance of the campus and where you can feel at home. The HAN Housing Office helps international students like yourself find a room. Are you from outside the EU/EEA? You get priority: a guaranteed room. From the EU/EEA? You can go on the waiting list.

Visa info
To study in the Netherlands, you need the right visas and permits. Are you from the EU/EEA? Then you don’t need any visas or permits. You just need to register at city hall. Are you from a country outside the EU/EEA? Then you need a residence permit. You might also need an entry visa.

Starters info: books, schedules and more
The International Business program will start on 2 February (for February starters) and 2 September (for September starters). What do you need to prepare? How do you get settled? No worries, we got you covered! We'll help you prepare for a smooth and great start at HAN. Just check the list below.
Once you arrive in the Netherlands
Once you arrive in the Netherlands, you need to know about some other practical issues. For example, about working, insurance, public transport and the government.
Healthcare and insurance
Going to study in the Netherlands? Then you need to know about the healthcare system. And you need to organize your student health insurance.
The rules on working in the Netherlands as a student depend on your nationality. So, whether you're from an EU country or not.
Public transport
The Netherlands has excellent public transport. In the Nijmegen and Arnhem area you can get almost everywhere by train or bus.
When living in the Netherlands, you need a citizen service number (BSN). This number is important for all your dealings with the government.
Education and Examination Regulations
The Education & Examination Regulations describe your program in detail. From unit descriptions and credits to exam regulations and graduation protocols. You can find it all in the PDF document below.
Enrollment Regulations
In the document below you can find all the regulations for enrolling in International Business at HAN University of Applied Sciences.
HAN International Intro
Get a good start to your studies during this week of orientation:
- learn about living in the Netherlands
- become familiar with the campus
- get on board with your degree program
- make new friends!

The location
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Got a question? First check our FAQ. Can't find the answer to your question there? Contact us at ASK HAN. We're happy to help!
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