7 Reasons to study at HAN

Why study at HAN University of Applied Sciences in the Netherlands? There are 7 simple reasons:

Docent voor een klas lachende studenten

  1. Study in English
    Are you looking for English universities in the Netherlands? HAN offers 9 bachelor (undergraduate) and 6 master programs for international students taught entirely in English. From life sciences to international business and engineering. You can apply both in September and in February.
  2. Practice-Based Learning
    During your studies at HAN University of Applied Sciences, you constantly apply the theory you learn in projects. That’s how you gain the practical experience and skills needed for your future career.
  3. Safe & Lively Student Cities  
    Arnhem and Nijmegen are small and safe student cities just 1 hour away from Amsterdam. Lots of parks, bars and places to hang out with together with your new friends. And easy access to other Dutch and European cities you can visit on the weekends.
  4. Diverse International Community 
    Over 1,800 international students from 100 different countries study abroad at HAN University of Applied Sciences. Our diverse and supportive community welcomes and guides you right away. That makes HAN one of the best universities in the Netherlands for international students. International Communication students share their experiences here
  5. Great Campuses
    HAN has 2 campuses: the Arnhem campus and the Nijmegen campus. They have everything you need as a student. Lots of inspiring places to study, libraries, coffee corners, canteens and student bars. Want to relax between classes? Take a walk through the beautiful green parkland.
  6. Good Student Support
    You'll have access to a strong support system. A study coach to discuss your personal and academic progress. Access to free courses to boost your study skills and personal development. And other counsellors and professionals when you need them. 
  7. Informal Teaching Style
    The teaching style at HAN University of Applied Sciences is fairly informal. That's typical of the education system in the Netherlands. At HAN we also keep our classrooms small, with only 20-30 students. Your lecturers will know you by name.

Quick facts

    15bachelor & master programs
    1800international students

University ranking

Curious to know how HAN University of Applied Sciences ranks nationally or internationally? Check out this info on HAN's ranking.

Check out our bachelor and master programs

Bachelor: Automotive Engineering

Do you have a passion for cars and technology? Would you like to be part of the transition to clean, efficient and intelligent vehicles? Study Automotive Engineering at HAN University of Applied Sciences.

studenten werken aan project

Bachelor: Chemistry

Want to make a difference through science? Testing for pollutants in the environment? Analyzing what's in the food we eat? Sign up for a rewarding science career and study Chemistry at HAN University of Applied Sciences.

en jongen overleggen in het laboratorium

Bachelor: Communication

Looking for an international career in marketing, advertising, or public relations? Are you interested in other people and how they communicate? Do you enjoy convincing others of your ideas? Study Communication at HAN University of Applied Sciences.

studenten in gesprek lachend

Bachelor: Electrical and Electronic Engineering

Do you like investigating how things work? Want to work on the transition to sustainable energy? Develop smart automated manufacturing or industrial processes? Sign up for Electrical and Electronic Engineering bachelor program.

aan het werk bij oscilloscoop

Bachelor: Embedded Systems Engineering

Are you excited about intelligent electronic devices? Do you have an eye for detail? Would you like to design, create, and test new products and systems? Explore the digital world and study Embedded Systems Engineering at HAN.

Studenten praten in gang bij Engineering

Bachelor: International Business

Are you driven to be the best? Can you deal well with change? Are you business-minded and not afraid of taking the initiative? Come and study at the International School of Business at HAN University of Applied Sciences.

Studenten praten in gang bij Engineering

Bachelor: International Social Work

Do you like working with people from different cultures? Are you a good team player? Would you like to contribute to building a healthy and inclusive society? Study International Social Work at HAN University of Applied Sciences in the Netherlands.

work International studenten rond wereldbol horizontaal

Bachelor: Life Sciences

Are you interested in molecular biology and DNA? Do you like the idea of working in the lab? Did you enjoy doing experiments at school? Study Life Sciences at HAN University of Applied Sciences and get a head start to a meaningful career.

aan het werk in lab

Bachelor: Mechanical Engineering

Do you enjoy repairing things? Are you able to solve problems in mathematics and physics? Would you like to design and construct the sustainable machines of the future? Take up the challenge with a bachelor program in Mechanical Engineering at HAN.

studenten werken samen

Master: Engineering Systems

Ready to take your engineering skills to the next level? This master in Engineering Systems gives you the know-how to develop the systems of the future. Choose Automotive Systems, Lean Engineering, Sustainable Energy, Embedded Systems or Control Systems.

studenten werkt samen aan zelfrijdende auto met laptop

Master: Molecular Life Sciences

Are you a recent graduate in the life sciences field? Do you want to master up your science skills? To become a more independent and versatile professional? This Master of Science in Molecular Life Sciences at HAN University of Applied Sciences offers just that.

Master molecular life sciences. Elena Krivosheeva in het laboratorum met pipet.

Master: Circular Economy

The Master of Science in Circular Economy at HAN University of Applied Sciences trains you to become a change agent. You learn to help international companies transition to a circular economy. You create business models based on multiple value creation. And you learn the ins and outs of multidisciplinary collaboration.

studenten in les international business


Curious to find out more about the bachelor and master programs at HAN University of Applied Sciences? Meet us at an Open Day, an education fair, webinar or 1-to-1 meeting. You can also sign up for our newsletter.

Student houdt flyers onder de arm tijdens de open dag HAN